Saint Michael's Cave i Gibraltar

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Spur Battery Rd, Gibraltar GX11 1AA, Gibraltar
Kontakter telefon: +350 200 45000
Latitude: 36.1259297, Longitude: -5.3455153
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Kommentar 5

  • Tom Adcock

    Tom Adcock


    What an amazing place, from the outside the rock looks like any ordinary rock/mountain but once you go in the cave 😲 wow its amazing! If your in Gibraltar you can't miss this! It's an eye opener!

  • Ryan and Trudi Steele

    Ryan and Trudi Steele


    The cave is beautifully lit with continuous changing colours. There is a cafe/restaurant near the entrance and exit if you need some refreshments. We certainly needed it after the long hot walk there. There are seats inside the cave so you can sit and enjoy whilst you cool down. A warning: a significant amount of the walk back is uphill.

  • Julie O'Regan

    Julie O'Regan


    A better place to dine than at the top! Just less touristy feeling and more cafe style. The staff were friendly and sorted a minor error on our order without fuss and a big smile. Just basic grub and a welcome drinking stop on the way back from the top. Everyone left with a full belly and I had a proper cuppa so all good from our experience.

  • Russell Aaron

    Russell Aaron


    A wonderful attraction, with a reasonable entrance fee. Really enjoyed getting out of the heat as well. The snack bar has some good eats for cheap, although it was really aggravating to see tourists feeding the monkeys. DON'T FEED THE MONKEYS!

  • Jenna Hines

    Jenna Hines


    What a cool experience inside this cave. The formations are stunning. It’s an amazing place to explore! Watch out for the apes because they do steal food (especially ice cream).

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