Cannon Hotel i Gibraltar

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9, Cannon Lane, GX11 1AA, Gibraltar, GI Gibraltar
Kontakter telefon: +350 200 51711
Latitude: 36.1401399, Longitude: -5.3534636
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Kommentar 5

  • Joe Dillinger

    Joe Dillinger


    It's like a trap house hotel full of junkys and the room stinks of smoke n stail cheese was a used condom in the room 😑 wooden go there agen !!

  • Ron Besouw

    Ron Besouw


    I did not like this hotel. The bed/matras was really bad and the room/bathroom was unmaintained.

  • Kat Yu

    Kat Yu


    Unbeatable price. Friendly staff and great location. I love Gibraltar!

  • Ribbo



    Friendly staff. Functional rooms that are actually cheaper than renting an apartment in Gibraltar! If you go during tourist season, yes it will be noisy on Friday and Saturday until 1am because the hotel is right in the centre of the high street, but when the next cheapest hotel is £100 a night more, thats completely acceptable .

  • Roland Soós

    Roland Soós


    The owner/manager was very kind and helpful with many things. The hotel itself might need some minor reforms, and the shower is kinda small. But overall liked the price/quality and customer service.

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