Pancake Factory i Gibraltar

Åben kort
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🕗 Åbningstider

3, College Lane, GX11 1AA, Gibraltar, GI Gibraltar
Kontakter telefon: +350 200 72246
Latitude: 36.1403434, Longitude: -5.3538369
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Kommentar 5

  • Francesca Ciancetta

    Francesca Ciancetta


    Estremaly disappointed! Good effort for service, food average for a touristic place.

  • Tracey Cockayne

    Tracey Cockayne


    If your in Gibraltar, definitely worth a visit , down a side street but advertised on main strip .you won't regret it

  • Andy Lockwood

    Andy Lockwood


    Great coffee, excellent pancakes. What more could you want??

  • Thierry



    An excellent lunch experience at great prices! Went there for a late lunch and ordered both the soup of the day and a large crepe. The meal portions were certainly generous and the coffee of top-notch quality! They only serve Illy coffee, but it's great. Highly recommended for both light bites and full meals! As a bonus, it's located in a quiet alleyway, away from the loud duty-free shops.

  • martin stocks

    martin stocks


    This place is on a grotty little side street just of Main Street in Gibraltar. To be fair, most streets in Gibraltar are grotty so don't judge the place on that. We stopped here for a quick lunch and the food was nice. The Burger was especially good and the chips tasted like chip shop chips - quite a compliment! Basic, but clean, and good food - did the job!

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