Gibtelecom i Gibraltar

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5, John Mackintosh Square, GX11 1AA, Gibraltar, GI Gibraltar
Kontakter telefon: +350 200 52200
Latitude: 36.1406303, Longitude: -5.3544124
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Kommentar 5

  • Elliot Brooke

    Elliot Brooke


  • James Wilding

    James Wilding


    Slow to get seen but service fine after that

  • Bryan Wallen

    Bryan Wallen


    Absolutely shite the service received from this company. Constant slowdowns and not even receiving the speed as advertised. Customer support isn't much help either with a lack of knowledge to most enquiries - NAT for gaming consoles being the biggest offender in recent years, as I have called and they didn't have a clue as to what that was! So glad I switched my provider. Never using this service again...

  • Adam Wallen

    Adam Wallen


    Customer support can be quite friendly, depending who you get. The service is so poor to the point where my internet connection is about 2mbps when I'm paying for 50mbps... From living abroad for 2 years in Northern Ireland, I can definitely say with confidence that Gibtelecom doesn't even come close towards today's standards. I can't even load a speed-test in most times... The only info they gave me for the past 5 years of problems is either "Turn your router off then on", "I'll change the channel again" or "We can send someone over, but if something's wrong with your side, you'll have to pay a fee". Why on earth should I pay to fix something that is owned by Gibtelecom?... They couldn't even help with such a simple problem as an open NAT Type on XBOX gaming consoles. (Which other ISPs have told me that it's a simple fix from your ISP). The thing that pisses me off even more, is that they advertised my internet connection as "50mb". However, when I go into my router's system, it states I have a max input of "39".... False claims really.

  • Tiberiu Popescu

    Tiberiu Popescu


    A bit pricey, but the services and the support is really good.

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