Curry and Sushi i Gibraltar

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30 Parlament Lane, Irish Town, Gibraltar GX11 1AA, Gibraltar
Kontakter telefon: +350 200 40932
Latitude: 36.143222, Longitude: -5.353969
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Kommentar 5

  • Michaela Yarbrough

    Michaela Yarbrough


    Wonderful surprise in Gibraltar. We were craving Indian food and this place hit the spot (did not try the sushi, so we’ll have to come back!). This restaurant is right off the main street so it’s not as crowded and made for a pleasant dining experience. We visited in November, so it was rainy but they have lots of covered seating with nice heaters outside. Despite dreary weather, the lady who served us was patient and went out of her way to make our experience special. We ordered their recommended specials Pudina Murgh Tikka (appetizer), Chicken Masala Curry (spicy), and the Chicken Tikka Makhan Palak (not spicy). I recommend getting an order of naan (sharable for 2) and their Jeera rice too. One entree is sharable for two, but it’s definitely generous portions and you won’t leave hungry. They know their regulars by name and you can tell they work hard at their business. Definitely recommend to anyone looking for a nice dining experience.

  • Simone Masiero

    Simone Masiero


    It's a good Indian place with reasonable pricing. I didn't get a chance to try the sushi but it looked lovely.

  • Simone Böttcher

    Simone Böttcher


    Unglaublich nette Bedienung, unglaublich lecker

  • Alessandro Steinmann

    Alessandro Steinmann


    Leckeres indisches essen zudem nicht sehr voll und man hat einen schönen Blick auf den Berg.

  • Matthias Kiechle

    Matthias Kiechle


    Leckeres Curry, Chicken, Naan und Mittags Thal Lunch Menü. Sushi hatten wir nicht probiert, sahen aber gut aus. Preis-Leistung sehr gut (zw 7-13 £). Liebenswerter und angenehmer Service!

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