Ocean Village i Gibraltar

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3-3 Leisure Island Business Centre Leisure Island Ocean Village, Gibraltar GX11 1AA
Kontakter telefon: +350 200 40048
Hjemmeside: oceanvillage.gi
Latitude: 36.1480857, Longitude: -5.353771
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Kommentar 5

  • Agnieszka Pajak

    Agnieszka Pajak


    Thats a real shame you don’t love Ocean Village @Fiona and Graham Hesketh... I thoroughly recommend you come back and try a fantastic day out with the highly professional team at Dolphin Adventure, followed by a treat at Wagamama and cocktails at Bruno’s. What a superb place at Ocean Village.

  • Tammy Bradford

    Tammy Bradford


    Wonderful views great food very nice staff worth a visit

  • B Stahl

    B Stahl


    It was winter and it was raining so it was not a good day to visit Ocean Village. However, I have also been there in the heat of summer during The Rock Music event where it was much more fun. This time I was looking for a cosy warm place for breakfast ( about 11am). No luck !! The places that were open were cold and empty. So I did a quick walk along the piers looking at the boats, and then headed back into town where there are numerous fabulous breakfast venues.

  • steve mcfarlane

    steve mcfarlane


    Ocean view is one of my favourite places to go when I'm in Gibraltar. A relaxing place to meet friends for dinner or drinks. A great selection of Bars, Sport Bars and restaurants. There are also 2 casinos if you want to have a flutter. Great to walk around and only 10 mins walk from the border.

  • Chelsea Hallam

    Chelsea Hallam


    A great spot for meeting up with friends and family.... perfect for lunch or dinner and great for some after works drinks. Loads of bars and restaurants with a great vibe.

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