Bristol Hotel i Gibraltar

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8-10, Cathedral Square, GX11 1AA, Gibraltar, GI Gibraltar
Kontakter telefon: +350 200 76800
Latitude: 36.1387012, Longitude: -5.3541746
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Kommentar 5

  • Matthew Fair

    Matthew Fair


    Four person room was a good size, with space for a desk, and a bath. Good location close to Main Street and a bus stop. £6 for continental breakfast sounded too much so we didn't try it, there's plenty of pubs nearby doing full English after 9:00 am. Hotel is a bit old fashioned but maybe you like that sort of style

  • Laszlo Boricza

    Laszlo Boricza


    Gute Lage. Parken für Max.3-4 Auto. Zimmer als Besenkammer. Aber sauber. Frühstück für 6£. Überteuert

  • enright13



    Quaint but characterful. Staff happy to help. Nice breakfast bar, and if you can lose your key then there has to be something wrong with you!

  • L I S A H I C K M O T T

    L I S A H I C K M O T T


    We received a warm welcome from the staff. The hotel was clean. The decor I thought was very interesting some may say outdated but it made the hotel stand out. The bed was comfy so had a good night's sleep. The breakfast was lovely. Just right to start the day off. Will definitely return when next visiting

  • Michelle Trinh

    Michelle Trinh


    Very old hotel but full of character. Perfect location, right in the heart of Gibraltar - Cathedral Square. The room is spacious and the bathroom has 2 sinks! The room service is very good. Opposite to a big and beautiful park. 2 minute walk to the Marriage registry office. Really worth the money and relatively cheap compare with other hotels in the same area.

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