Caleta Hotel Hotel i Gibraltar

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Sir Herbert Miles Road, GX11 1AA, Gibraltar, GI Gibraltar
Kontakter telefon: +350 200 76501
Latitude: 36.1372975, Longitude: -5.3408517
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Kommentar 5

  • Yury Vladimirovich

    Yury Vladimirovich


    Прекрасная гостиница с замечательным видом на море. Расположена на побережье, имеется выход к морю и собственный пляж. Приветливый и очень внимательный обслуживающий персонал. Демократичные цены на проживание и питание. Прекрасный ресторан и бар в отеле. Имеется Wi-Fi интернет в свободном доступе. Из недостатков могу отметить лишь один : расположение от центра города (10 минут на такси ).

  • Mark Leith

    Mark Leith


    4 star Hotel extremely nice. Excellent food and really great staff. Overall highly recommended.

  • Anat C

    Anat C


    Beautiful location and great view. Air condition system not properly working. Showers do not have water pressure. Very pricey.

  • hollstar lass

    hollstar lass


    Everything was pretty nice, but when I pay good money for a hotel (especially considering the air bnb competition) I hate to feel like a jerk for requesting things which should be included in the exorbitant price. I just called the front desk to ask for proper hangers to put my clothes away and was treated so rudely by the woman at the front desk. After she hung up on me mid question I wasn't even sure I would get the hangers until someone came to the door with them and threw them at me when I opened up. I tried to say thanks but was again cut off by my own door closing in my face as the person bringing the hangers was clearly annoyed by my request. This unfortunate experience with the very rude woman at the front desk (evening of March 20, 2018) really tainted what would have been a nice time here.

  • Dave Ainley

    Dave Ainley


    Four star hotel? Don't make me laugh. The front canopy says it all, tatty and ripped. If you want to re-make Carry on Abroad, this is the perfect hotel, you wouldn't have to change a thing. It was probably nice in 1950. Breakfast is very basic, and if you want to extend your check out time, you will have to pay extra, even though you've been there a week. The walk into town is the most unattractive walk you will ever encounter. And that is if the road is open. When I was there, the road was closed due to a rock fall and it was hell getting in and out of town. Do yourself a favour, stay at the elliot, same price and everything is on your doorstep

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