The Rock Hotel i Gibraltar

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3, Europa Road, GX11 1AA, Gibraltar, GI Gibraltar
Kontakter telefon: +350 200 73000
Latitude: 36.1319593, Longitude: -5.350142
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Kommentar 5

  • Blanka M

    Blanka M


    Iconic place to stay in Gibraltar 10-15 min walk from the Main Street. We had a great time here to celebrate our marriage and the staff is very welcoming and helpful. The view was amazing from our room. I gave 4 as breakfast was so-so.

  • Tim Vickers

    Tim Vickers


    I stayed here back when it was still considered a 5 star hotel. Lavish location, with amazing views and a modern classic décor. Very memorable experience, and well worth the stay if it’s within your budget.

  • Nigel Hobday

    Nigel Hobday


    An institution in Gib, hotel in the old colonial style where you can get afternoon tea served on the Wisteria covered terrace. All rooms overlook the Bay, I would recommend one with a balcony to sit out on & watch the world go by. Just about walkable from the Airport if you have light luggage, otherwise get a Number 5 bus from the Airport to the Market Square & then a Number 2 bus to the Hotel.

  • John Wheeler

    John Wheeler


    Just arrived back after 4 days. All staff brilliant particularly bar and restaurant managers. Food and choice very good in both bar and restaurant. Room very comfortable with good housekeeping. Wonderful views of bay due to elevated position not downside steep hill. This is my 6th visit. Will be booking another very shortly

  • Tom Sanders

    Tom Sanders


    We visit Gibraltar twice a year and wouldn't consider staying anywhere else. Beautiful views across the Bay and north Africa. The hotel was recently refurbished to a very high standard. The staff are professional and extremely friendly. The Gibraltar Tourist Board have only rated this hotel four stars, myself and my wife would rate it five stars. A wonderful Mediterranean experience. Most highly recommended.

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