Tourist Information Office i Gibraltar

Åben kort
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🕗 Åbningstider

13, John Mackintosh Square, GX11 1AA, Gibraltar, GI Gibraltar
Kontakter telefon: +350 200 45000
Latitude: 36.1406671, Longitude: -5.3541543
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Kommentar 5

  • Andrew Maddison

    Andrew Maddison


    Not very helpful till they see you pay tax but hey you live in spain so learning the language is a must

  • Atque Iter

    Atque Iter


    Had garlic bread starter, nice but small. Tuna 🍕 Which was very nice and a couple of beers 04L size larger. Menu price's very reasonable for center of Palma

  • Marcin Ulman

    Marcin Ulman


    Central location. Good place to purchase guide books and even second hand books about Gibraltar's history.

  • Sallyann Lewis

    Sallyann Lewis


    Very helpful although sadly Gibraltar was not our cup of tea.

  • Tom Sanders

    Tom Sanders


    The finest hotel in Gibraltar. Full of character history and boasting outstanding views across the bay. The staff are friendly and professional and go the extra mile to make your visit an experience you will remember with affection. The rooms are first class and comfortable. We visit Gibraltar twice a year and would not contemplate staying anywhere else.

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