Dolphin Adventure i Gibraltar

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9, Marina Bay Squeare, 11111, Gibraltar, GI Gibraltar
Kontakter telefon: +350 200 50650
Latitude: 36.1483102, Longitude: -5.3523076
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Kommentar 5

  • Michael Bayerl

    Michael Bayerl


    Nicht gut das Schiff hatte Verspätung und hat die Zeit bei uns wieder reingeholt! Man wird total nass, was nirgendwo stand. Wir haben zwar Delfine gesehen aber vielleicht eine Minute, kenne bessere Touren! Die mitgebuchte Seilbahnfahrt auf den Felsen war auch ein Reinfall, zuerst freut man sich weil man ja online gebucht hat und stellt sich an der Schlange für die Gondel an wenn man endlich dran ist heißt es man muss zur Kasse und den Gutschein von der bootstour umtauschen also noch zweimal anstellen! Kein schöner Ausflug...

  • Alexandre Boyelle

    Alexandre Boyelle


    Didn't see any dolphin or anything else alive. The boat has stoped to take off some garbages of the see, that's a good action but we lose time to search dolphins... As a "compensation" we had two free tickets to go on the boat again but as they expect, most people, like us, were just passing through and we obviously could not take advantage of these tickets. We would have preferred a refund...

  • Amaryllo Alarm

    Amaryllo Alarm


    Very poor show. I regularly sail with both local companies but this latest trip was enormously disappointing. Crew constantly running down a competitor saying that the competitor hurts dolphins. I could not see any evidence of this while I was on the yellow boat. It seemed to me that the yellow boat I was on was just as close to the dolphins as the blue one. Spanish girl claiming to be a marine biologist running them down and encouraged by captain and other crew. I actually asked her where she qualified and she told me that she didn't have any official qualifications, she said her qualification was that she watches the dolphins. When I asked how they save the dolphins she didn't have an answer. Shame I always like going on both boats. Shame on you Dolphin Adventure, up your game, you are better than that surely, you shouldn't have to stoop so low when you have such a great product. As I said a very poor show.

  • Xosé Lois Simoes Vila

    Xosé Lois Simoes Vila


    Una esperiencia

  • Juan Bautista iglesias

    Juan Bautista iglesias


    Fantastico trato

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