Dolphin Safari i Gibraltar

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6, The Square, Marina Bay, GX11 1AA, Gibraltar, GI Gibraltar
Kontakter telefon: +350 200 71914
Latitude: 36.1485231, Longitude: -5.3524946
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Kommentar 5

  • issy heeney

    issy heeney


    My mum and I went on the dolphin safari today and had an amazing experience. We saw lots of common dolphins and one bottle nose. We even saw a turtle. The staff are super friendly and knowledgeable can't do enough to help your experience be a dolphin success. Small groups also add to the experience we where will less than 10 people! It's a must if you're in Gibraltar.

  • James Hill

    James Hill


    We visited today, booked online at the last moment and got a discount for booking online. The trip was running late, this was because they spent longer on the trip before trying to find dolphins. On our trip the crew were excellent, we were out for far longer than we should have been as they wanted to find dolphins. We saw them and the guide was very keen to tell us all about them. Excellent trip and very good value for money, two hours for £20.

  • Kerrie Bridge

    Kerrie Bridge


    Absolutely fantastic crew and experience!! The above and beyond measures to enhance our experience means I have 3 children ranging from toddler to teenager that have spoke about nothing else today and can’t wait to go again. A huge thank you to all of the crew and the office staff for accommodating us when we were late arriving. :)

  • Robert Wagner

    Robert Wagner


    Great experience for the whole family (kids between 2 and 12). Initially I was very sceptical, but we have indeed seen dolphins. They were swimming near the boat, in the mid of the Strait. Because of the waves, the ride could also have qualified as a roller coaster trip, which has considerably added to the thrill. The trip lasted more than two hours. I didn't regret spending the time and money.

  • Sarah Hamblin

    Sarah Hamblin


    Crew were fantastic they went out of there way to find us dolphins and our trip lasted just over 2 hours. Major fault was the owner Tim in the booking office. He charged us €180 for 4 adults and 4 children. Equivalent to £157!!! No discount for large group either. ( karen the sales rep had quoted us £20 an adult and £10 per child which equals £120 ) No toilets or refreshments on boats either so if your with children is not ideal.

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