Upper Rock Nature Reserve i Gibraltar

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Gibraltar GX11 1AA, Gibraltar
Kontakter telefon: +350 200 74950
Hjemmeside: visitgibraltar.gi
Latitude: 36.138247, Longitude: -5.3471339
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Kommentar 5

  • Matt G

    Matt G


    Had fantastic weather and wasn't molested by the monkeys. That in itself made the visit worth it. Great view of the surrounding area. I swear I could almost see Morocco. Went on a Sunday and the town was pretty dead so I didn't have to deal with an overwhelming amount of other tourists.

  • Mark Drinkwater

    Mark Drinkwater


    Loved our visit here, what a fantastic place, from the views to the apes we loved all of it. plenty of history for those interested, some from ww2 but also from when Gibraltar was a British colony in conflict with Spain. Lots of interesting plants some fantastic walks all of which involve hills. Will definitely visit again.

  • Karl Price

    Karl Price


    Amazing place. Weather was amazing, so that helped. Cable car to the top of the rock, great views all the way. Monkeys to welcome you upon your arrival, do not feed them!!!. Excellent bar and restaurant at the top, with very friendly staff and again, fantastic views. Would definitely go again.

  • Jane Hobley

    Jane Hobley


    My experience may have been affected by the weather on the day - pouring with rain- but it was still an interesting trip. We are trying to travel cheaply so didn't pay the full price for visiting tunnels etc. We felt that a good walk around the reserve was what we needed. The rock cable car wasn't running on the day we visited which meant we were sharing the roads with an endless stream of taxis bringing people up from the town. It detracted from the experience. Especially the way the monkeys were used by the ones giving guided tours. They were given food to encourage them to ride on wing mirrors and car roofs for the entertainment of visitors. Sad to see animals being used for human amusement. The views from the rock are spectacular and well worth the hard uphill walk. The monkeys are really engaging. Babies completely irresistible!

  • steve mcfarlane

    steve mcfarlane


    Well worth a visit for the views and the monkeys. You can get the cable car all the way to the top of the rock and if feeling energetic you can walk all the way down. If you do walk down you will come to St. Michael's Cave which is worth a visit. A word of advise about the cheeky monkeys. Keep in mind that they are wild and you are in their environment. Keep an eye on your bags as a German tourist had her back pack opened by the monkeys, who proceed to steal all her food while emptying her bag. The monkeys roam wild and are friendly unless you provoke them. By warned!!. The views over Gibraltar, Spain and North Africa are spectacular and well worth the visit. There is a cafe offering good views and public restrooms. A number of viewing platforms to enjoy the views.

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