Piece of Cake i Gibraltar

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13, Engineer Lane, GX11 1AA, Gibraltar, GI Gibraltar
Kontakter telefon: +350 200 68120
Hjemmeside: www.pieceofcake.gi
Latitude: 36.14288, Longitude: -5.352893
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Kommentar 5

  • Scott Alder

    Scott Alder


    Had the mint aero cupcake and it was delicious!

  • Chelsea Hallam

    Chelsea Hallam


    Good little cake shop. A great selection to chose from, well packaged and a reasonable price. They also sell some bits such as big gallons and candles. The cakes are well made and moist- they also seem to stay fresh for a good amount of time.

  • Veronica Oropeza

    Veronica Oropeza


    Omg! The aroma led us to the little piece of heaven on Earth. The cupcakes are beautiful and absolutely delicious. They have quite an array of flavours so everyone will find something he or she will love. The staff is very friendly and the shop is very cute. Best cupcakes I’ve had in a long, long, long time! Yum!!!!!!!

  • Joseph O'Connell

    Joseph O'Connell


    Aero cake bought today was lovely. whole office enjoyed it.

  • Tony Moreno

    Tony Moreno


    With over 20 years of experience, keen attention to detail and a sincere passion for baking, there's little wonder these are the best cupcakes you can find in Gibraltar. Be sure to try the Mint Aero cupcake. Simply sublime.

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