Peak Gym i Gibraltar

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309, Main Street, GX11 1AA, Gibraltar, GI Gibraltar
Kontakter telefon: +350 54003138
Latitude: 36.1362848, Longitude: -5.3530594
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Kommentar 5

  • Lucy Thindwa

    Lucy Thindwa


  • Peak Gym

    Peak Gym


  • Benjamin Osbourn

    Benjamin Osbourn


    Good overall gym. Good range of equipment

  • Cat Hughes

    Cat Hughes


    Absolutely LOVE this gym! If you are looking for a gym that is welcoming, unpretentious, professional, affordable and has everything you need, but nothing you don,t, then Peak Gym, Main Street, Gibraltar is the right place for you to get in shape, or try out some new classes. No matter what your fitness level, age, or ability is, you will find something to suit whatever you need. There is a very wide range of classes, from pilates, zumba, weights, shadow boxing and also a vast range of equipment and weights etc. The staff are extremely helpful and professional and will help with whatever they can, whther you are a nervous newcomer (as I was) or an advanced fitness buff. The gym is open 7days a week from early morning, until late at night. There are classes available at all times, to suit a variety of abilities. The gym has training equipment on both floors, and spotless changing room/shower facilities. You can buy membership for a day, a week, a month or annual and I can honestly say, you would be hard pressed to find a better deal anywhere else in Gibraltar. Peter and Lia and indeed all the instructors at Peak, are highly qualified professionals with a wealth of knowledge in fitness training. This is definitely the best gym Ive ever been to and Im so happy I found it. I wanted to join a gym but had always found them intimidating places to enter. At Peak, I was welcomed from the very first day, received a personal induction and training regimen and have never felt ill at ease going in there alone. On the contrary, I have made new friends and found a healthier way of living. Cannot recommend Peak gym more highly. Thank you Lia, Peter, Patrick and everyone else for helping me get on track. :-)

  • abdelelah Daoud

    abdelelah Daoud


    The gym is very good gym providing good services. All the equipments are new and very good from my personal point of view.people should come and see once.

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