Ohtels Campo de Gibraltar i La Línea de la Concepción

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s/n, Avenida Príncipe de Asturias, 11300, La Línea de la Concepción, Cádiz, ES Spain
Kontakter telefon: +34 956 17 82 13
Hjemmeside: ohtelscampodegibraltar.es
Latitude: 36.1586374, Longitude: -5.3525374
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Kommentar 5

  • Victoria Gepp

    Victoria Gepp


    It's...ok. It's clean and quite spacious, clean and usually well maintained. Staff have always been helpful if I've needed any extras. The only downside for me is the odd rip/tear/hole/leak and it could do with some modernisation. That being said, nothing was so bad that it put us off staying or gave us need to complain. Breakfast was a varied continental choice too! Great location for a variety of reasons. Reasonable for the money too. Great views!

  • József Lőrincz

    József Lőrincz


    Very nice rooms, big and tidy. However, the shower is not the best - no curtains, and only 50 cm of drain floor, so everything got soaked. Literally. The street can be loud on the 2nd floor too. Breakfast was included, high variety Swedish table food, with warm food included. Nice place to stay if you want to see La Linea, but if you want to go to Gibraltar too.

  • Chris Mawby

    Chris Mawby


    Perfect hotel. Will of stayed here 5 nights . Just a short stroll away from Gibraltar. Lovely room good view from room. Quite quiet guessing it's low season (March 2018) rooms attended to by maid everyday. Friendly reception staff very attentive. Check in smooth even although I turned up without booking.. bar was good. Average price for drink I guess. Bit too cold for pool. Payed £375 for self catering which is good in my opinion. Highly recommend. Definitely come back if in the area.

  • Joselyn Perez

    Joselyn Perez


    A very big hotel with underground parking for an additional fee. The bed was big and comfortable and I had an excellent view of the Rock of Gibraltar. Within walking distance of the Spain/Gibraltar border. Friendly check in counter. Bike rental available. Only 4 out of 5 stats because the interior of the hotel was dark and decor could really use an upgrade.

  • steve mcfarlane

    steve mcfarlane


    Had a very good stay at this clean and friendly hotel. Stayed here last year and thought give it another go, which im pleased we did. Stayed here as it is cheaper than staying in Gibraltar which is only a 5 min walk. The rooms are spacious and clean. Could see the rock of Gibraltar from our balcony. Bathroom was clean and also spacious. Check in was quick with receptionist very friendly. Breakfast is buffet style with a great selection. If you're room only and want breakfast it's only €6.

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