Mothercare i Gibraltar

Åben kort
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🕗 Åbningstider

191, Main Street, GX11 1AA, Gibraltar, GI Gibraltar
Kontakter telefon: +350 200 72185
Latitude: 36.1404914, Longitude: -5.3535397
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Kommentar 5

  • Julia E

    Julia E


  • noa alez lopez Florin Lara

    noa alez lopez Florin Lara


  • James Vizetelly

    James Vizetelly


    This is the second time (in 6 years!) that we made the mistake of visiting mother care Gibraltar to buy stuff for an upcoming baby. Whatever you do, check amazon etc or even any store in mainland spain - as I can guarantee you that wherever else you look you will find many branded products (basically anything from avent) almost half price of what Mothecare offer in Gib. One example of many, is an avent baby bottle steamer is £38 in mothecare Gib, but was £14.99 on Amazon. Online is always cheaper you say!? Even in Malaga’s toys r us the same item is €27.99! Mothercare - you should be ashamed! Conveniently there is absolutely no internet service in the store so don’t expect to be able to check prices in store! If you live in spain, do not bother making the dreadful journey into Gib, as you will find much more (at better prices!) in a standard pharmacy in spain!

  • Olibob Book Shop Paula Hempstead

    Olibob Book Shop Paula Hempstead


    Very helpfull staff

  • Maira Martino

    Maira Martino


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