La Terrazita i Gibraltar

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Gibraltar GX11 1AA, Gibraltar
Kontakter telefon: +350 200 46030
Latitude: 36.1395749, Longitude: -5.3525861
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Kommentar 5

  • randy w

    randy w


    This is one of the worst restaurants I've ever eaten at. Both the food and the service were deplorable. After waiting for almost an hour, we had to ask for the food we had ordered. The waitresses, who wore sour faces and acted like they were doing you a favor by serving you, basically threw the food on the table when it was ready. The other diners around us received the same treatment. The food was unremarkable, my friends beef steak was so tough it had to be sawn through with a sharp knife. The usual bread and olives were never laid on our table, even though we had asked for them. I'm sure that the only reason this restaurant gets any business at all is because of tourists who have never eaten there and don't know any better. Diners be warned!

  • Stephen Fleming

    Stephen Fleming


    A lovely meal on our first visit, but tonight it was if we had gone to a completely different Tapas bar as the food was terrible! we ordered the Gambas pil pil which were lovely the first visit however on this occasion they were pea sized frozen tasteless rubbish, as seen in photo and when mentioned to the waiter he didn't seem at all it's the kind of place I guess you can't really trust, such a shame.

  • Scott



    Slow service but nice food

  • Roland Erickson

    Roland Erickson


    If I could rate this place less than one star I would. Worst experience ever. Only 2 other diners were here, but we were completely ignored for over 15 minutes. We were in no hurry so just read the table top menu and watched as several dirty tables were cleared by the waitress and the other two tables were waited on by her. Eventually I asked politely if we could order and belatedly the waitress walked over. Never speaking or acknowledging us with a greeting. Got our order for two beers in and then realized she did not speak or (possibly) understand English. We tried to order food(pointing to the menu) but she just looked at us - then we asked if the kitchen was open in English, and then in Spanish. She shook her head so then we asked 'Tapas?'. Again she shook her head and pointed to her watch, so we gave up on food. Got our 2 beers and then watched her bring food to the other table and also a table that arrived after us. Drank most of our beer then went inside to see if maybe someone else could help us sort out if food was or was not being served and saw Tapas laid out on the bar. Tried to engage the waiter/bartender inside but he ignored me as well. I should point out that all three other occupied tables spoke fluent Spanish. And while we try to speak it, we are not fluent. First time we have ever felt discriminated against for being English speaking ( in an English speaking country), but am convinced that was the case here. This restaurant is near 2 very popular hotels and I am shocked they can do business in an English speaking country that is tourism based. Regardless of the language barrier, customer service and lack of ANY effort was appalling.

  • Emilie Côté

    Emilie Côté


    Mediocre service. Had a selection of tapas. The bread was stale, the Spanish omelette was dry, the aubergine with honey was inedible. The melted Provoleta cheese was decent and the grilled prawn skewer was edible but not particularly nice. Pleasant patio area and cheap prices.

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