Gibraltar International Airport i Gibraltar

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British Lines Road, Gibraltar GX11 1AA, Gibraltar
Kontakter telefon: +350 200 12345
Latitude: 36.153862, Longitude: -5.3464064
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Kommentar 5

  • David Balfour

    David Balfour


    Security called a blade length of 5.5cm over 7cm as they can't measure. I think they leave a lot of people disappointed.

  • Weird Stuff

    Weird Stuff


    The designer of the airport: Let’s put a road right there though the runway what a great idea what could possibly go wrong

  • William Socrates

    William Socrates


    Modern airport with great views. John and Yoko wuz here! In the picture John is waving their marriage certificate (2nd), obtained that same day at the Gibraltar Registry office (1st). 4th a picture in the Registry with a framed Queen (out-of-focus in our picture) by Cecil Beaton in the background. 3rd a picture of the construction of the runway c.1940.

  • Shibin Joseph

    Shibin Joseph


    One of the beautiful airport you can be in. Only few flight are being operated. But the scenic view behind is just mind blowing.

  • Vao Tsun

    Vao Tsun


    Probably the best airport so far. Security guys were too picky, but overall impression - every trip from/to this airport was great. Only thing I hate about this airport is need to wait for taking off plane when you need to pass the runway. But it happens if you are not in, right? :)

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