Ecolaundry La Línea i La Línea de la Concepción

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33, Calle San Pablo, 11300, La Línea de la Concepción, Cádiz, ES Spain
Kontakter telefon: +34 672 06 90 40
Latitude: 36.1638471, Longitude: -5.3492626
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Kommentar 5

  • Israel Santiago Heredia

    Israel Santiago Heredia


    Un buen lugar para lavar tu ropa sobretodo edredones, nordicos, etc... lo unico que no se , si tiene algun sistema de autodesinfeccion despues de cada uso ya que vendria muy bien saberlo para satisfacer mas al cliente por lo demas todo correcto limpio y muy tranquilo

  • Ricardo Tena

    Ricardo Tena


    Muy recomendable, rápido y buen precio. Desde que conozco este local no lavo en casa. No sale a cuenta.

  • Andrés González Bucchi

    Andrés González Bucchi


    Muy buen precio y excelente resultado.

  • Rose Watson

    Rose Watson


    I have been doing laundry for a number of years now. Hanging stuff up is boring! Who has time for hanging laundry up on a clothes line? I’d rather be watching Jon Snow fighting the Army of the Dead, am I right, ladies!?. When someone first suggested going to a laundrette, I wasn't sure. But they convinced me to give it a whirl, and I did. Well, I will never look back. I am a laundrette convert. This place is great as well because you can just pop by and put your clothes in and then scoot off for a drink nearby. And it’s not expensive either, I think it was like 6€ to wash and tumble dry. I would really recommend it if you want to lighten your list of household chores.

  • Elsa de Giovanni

    Elsa de Giovanni


    I needed to wash my comforter and it came out very clean and soft. Quick and cheap!

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