d-uñas nails & beauty i Gibraltar

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Unit 5, Eroski, 12/1 Winston Churchill Avenue, Gibraltar GX11 1AA, Gibraltar
Kontakter telefon: +350 54018288
Hjemmeside: www.d-unas.com
Latitude: 36.152761, Longitude: -5.349102
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Kommentar 1

  • Karine Schmitz

    Karine Schmitz


    I really tried to like this place but the quality of the service isn't good. First time I did shellac manicure it looked like the person didn't put enough nail polish and you could see some patches of nail polish very weak and my nails were not uniform. Yesterday I decided to give it another go and this time my nails were fully covered and well painted but unfortunately one finger started to peel on the very first day after doing it. I tried cutting the nail shorter to save it, I tried to file and even put some super glue but more and more came off and in the end I removed the whole painted nail peeling it very easily. Second day another nail was coming off and a couple were chipped already. It looked bad so I peeled all of them of in less than 5 minutes. I can only assume is the quality of the products they use because I've done shellac many times before and this never happened. Shellac nails do not come off this easy at all.

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