Casino Sunborn GI

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Ocean Village Marina, GX11 1AA, Gibraltar
Kontakter telefon: +350 200 16700
Latitude: 36.1483606, Longitude: -5.3533117
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Kommentar 5

  • Fiona and Graham Hesketh

    Fiona and Graham Hesketh


    Word on the street is the sunborn has been sold and it is off to San Diego in southern California some time in the near future. GOOD I think it is an eyesaw and I will celebrate with champagne when it goes away.

  • Laurie Braadvenschic

    Laurie Braadvenschic


    Try my luck at the casino, no wins for me but I very much enjoyed this experience and staff made me laugh a lot, they are fun and that is how it should be in a casino.

  • Marta Włodarz

    Marta Włodarz


    This is probably the best hotel in Gibraltar , nice and spacious rooms , good breakfast , Nice gym and sauna and spa, good views

  • Paul Aldred

    Paul Aldred


    Stunning floating hotel and casino, fantastic staff, roof top pool, wonderful food, superb atmosphere- 5 Star plus

  • Mama Bear

    Mama Bear


    Haven't stayed here yet but had a meal and it was amazing. The staff were so friendly and helpful, i dont drink alcohol but this was no problem for the young gentleman serving me as he made me a mocktail to enjoy the festivities with the rest of the party. The setting is beautiful and clean and is also child friendly, although it is overcrowded with children.

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