Casemates Taxi Rank i Gibraltar

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Casemates Square, GX11 1AA, Gibraltar, GI Gibraltar
Kontakter telefon: +350 200 70027
Latitude: 36.1444964, Longitude: -5.3531725
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Kommentar 5

  • Katherine Griffis-Greenberg

    Katherine Griffis-Greenberg


    Usually filled with taxis, so great for getting around Gibraltar.

  • Pete Mandy

    Pete Mandy


    With no competition the taxi service in Gibraltar suffers from a lack of incentive to offer a good service and reasonable prices. Bus stop is only a 1 min walk away.

  • Tomas Novotny

    Tomas Novotny


    I called a taxi and they said that the sent one. I was waiting on the given place like a complete idiot for more than an hour. Then I just completely lost it and called them and argued with them. The woman at the phone said that the taxi was waiting there for 15 minutes. I told her this was impossible because I was standing there the whole time. Awful experience but otherwise if you don't call for a taxi, everything's fine. I would also like to mention a problem which I have had with Gibraltar Taxi Service a lot which is that they always arrive more than 20 minutes late after you have called for a taxi. Thank you and today's experience is really the reason why they got a 1 star rating from me.

  • William Socrates

    William Socrates


    Always a taxi at this stand both for rock tours and for city service.

  • keith baines

    keith baines


    Taxis available to anywhere on the rock, but you can also get a rock tour from here as well, if you missed it on the way through the border.

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