Bodebar La Linea i La Línea de la Concepción

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8, Calle Doctor Villar, 11300, La Línea de la Concepción, Cádiz, ES Spanien
Kontakter telefon: +34 856 15 55 04
Latitude: 36.1614999, Longitude: -5.3505782
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Kommentar 5

  • Ryan Wilkinson

    Ryan Wilkinson


    Great if you can get a table! Good quality tapas and great atmosphere.

  • Francisco Vallejo Perez

    Francisco Vallejo Perez


    Buena cocina. Ambiente animado y agradable. Debe mejorar el servicio. Buena relación calidad/precio

  • Jose Maria Soto

    Jose Maria Soto


    Buena presentacion y atencion pero para un menu de 10,5 euros que no incluya postre... me.parece muy cutre. Podrian ofrecer algo de fruta, algun lacteo o helado

  • Alexander Botev

    Alexander Botev


    I looked for a long time to some good for diner here and this place I can recommend. It is not top class worlwide but in local conditions I don’t think you will find more better places to eat.

  • Carmen Diaz Sánchez

    Carmen Diaz Sánchez


    I went there after reading good reviews here and looked like the best choice close to our hotel. We ordered fixed price set menu, so it seemed to me like they didn't value us as a customer at all. The side of the main, Oyster mushrooms were uneatable they came with a black sauce so you couldn't see they were full of sand, yes sand, exactly same feeling that when you eat unwashed clams. We told the waiter, who when to the kitchen and never came back to us, then I told who seemed the manager and he said 'I will tell the chef' no apology or offer to swap the side, far from trying to make it up to us (the set menu included a dessert), when he came to clear the plates he just asked us for coffee or tea. Horrible customer service, we were charged for food we couldn't eat, no apology at all!, no offered anything instead and he didn't even bother to ask for a dessert? Worst experience ever!! It seems to me like he was giving us a favour!!!

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