Restaurante El Varadero i La Línea de la Concepción

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1, Plaza del Sol, 11300, La Línea de la Concepción, Cádiz, ES Spain
Kontakter telefon: +34 956 76 43 08
Latitude: 36.175457, Longitude: -5.3367
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Kommentar 5

  • Miles Randall

    Miles Randall


    Fresh seafood was excellent.

  • Victoria Greatorex

    Victoria Greatorex


    Always great fresh fish with normal non tourist prices.

  • Noemie Le.

    Noemie Le.


    Nice view

  • Nina Artemieva

    Nina Artemieva


    Good and fresh food. Gazpacho war very very good. I took chicken with garlic - it was also very good. I would recommend this restaurant to everybody

  • Jennifer Longhurst

    Jennifer Longhurst


    . See Gibraltar and eat in La Linea . . . Nobody in their right minds in the area around the bay of Algeciras would ever think of eating in Gib. :-) You go to Gib early in the morning, do your shopping or touristy things, came out, and drive to La Atunara, a very modest (not to say ugly) area of La Linea, where there are a number of excellent fish restaurants. We've been coming to the Varadero - or the Manolo as it used to be - for 40+ years. And have never been disappointed. Fish, fresh fish. You might get some salad too, but basically it's fish and seafood. Fried, grilled, baked, cooked however you like. The portions are pretty large, you might want to ask for a media racion of some of the things. If you are a large-ish group, get 6 or 7 different things to share. Yummy all of it. And as is normal in La Linea, generally less pricey than in the Costa del Sol or nearby Algeciras. Great fish at great prices. .

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