Morrisons i Gibraltar

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1 Westside Road, Gibraltar GX11 1AA, Gibraltar
Kontakter telefon: +350 200 41114
Latitude: 36.1441824, Longitude: -5.3600347
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Kommentar 5

  • Stephen Kellett

    Stephen Kellett


    Great selection of UK goods, a must visit supermarket for those expats living in Spain. Lots of parking and a restaurant. Make sure you have enough time to see Gibraltar and make a day of it.

  • David White

    David White


    Good place to shop. Good restarant excellent fish and chips .good prices

  • John Harding

    John Harding


    I liked the store and the staff were very helpful. I would point out one problem for visitors : the taxi rank sign to the side of the building faces the rank, not the prospective passenger. The taxi drivers know where the rank is, but I didn't until my driver pointed to it - from his side!

  • rob dee

    rob dee


    Best supermarket in Southern Spain. Prices reasonable allowing for exchange. Minor gripe of unpriced or wrongly priced items but only a minority of things and nowhere near the scale of which Spanish supermarkets suffer from.

  • IRENE Kirk

    IRENE Kirk


    The last few visits I've been very disappointed in the chilled good section today hardly any choose only butter or Olivia and their low cost margarine no stork and this I use a lot of for baking it's getting to be not worth travelling 2 and a quarter hours to get there

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