Camping Sureuropa i La Línea de la Concepción

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Camino Sobrevela, s/n, 11300 La Línea de la Concepción, Cádiz, Spain
Kontakter telefon: +34 956 64 35 87
Latitude: 36.19177, Longitude: -5.334619
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Kommentar 5

  • Jens Anker Knudsen

    Jens Anker Knudsen


    Everything works, nice and clean. Being in the buzz of the city it is a not a quiet place. Friendly and helpfull staff. Taking the location into consideration it could hardly be more convenient.

  • Billy Carroll

    Billy Carroll


    Nice and peaceful very clean and tidy. Staff freindly and very helpful. There is no shops pool or bar. But ok for a trip into Gibraltar.

  • VanUtopia AntLou

    VanUtopia AntLou


    Lovely clean campsite, handy for visiting Gibraltar. The staff are super friendly. Nice hot showers and good facilities. There is an indoor chill out room with free WiFi and they sell soft drinks and beers. Bring a box of cat food for the lovely cats ...they need feeding and cuddles.

  • Riitta Jääskeläinen

    Riitta Jääskeläinen


    Very good camping place for a low price. Friendly and helpful staff and very clean area.




    Lovely site. Clean and tidy. Good showers and toilets. Very quite 1st week in December. Good value as low rates out of season . Handy of you want to visit Gibraltar. If you go to the beach nearby you can get a great view of Gibraltar. Staff were friendly and helpful.

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