Alameda Wildlife Park i Gibraltar

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Alameda Botanic Gardens, GX11 1AA, Gibraltar, GI Gibraltar
Kontakter telefon: +350 200 64273
Latitude: 36.1305869, Longitude: -5.3502895
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Kommentar 5

  • Jonathan Wellons

    Jonathan Wellons


    Very small zoo (hopefully that's enough space for the animals) with large variety, friendly staff, and posted feeding times. The lemur exhibit is walk through which is quite unusual.

  • Lee Pollard

    Lee Pollard


    A great place for all the family. Most of the animals have been rescued, and people volunteer to help run the place. Well worth a visit.

  • Andy Colledge

    Andy Colledge


    Lovely sanctuary within the botanical gardens. Well worth a visit.

  • Razvan Penesel

    Razvan Penesel


    Great experience! They have some very friendly parrots that you can have a lovely whisttle chat. :)

  • Janine Brodigan

    Janine Brodigan


    Spent a lovely afternoon there but be prepared for some steep paths. The animal enclosure is small but interesting, especially the Lemurs who are curious but non - combative unlike the monkeys on the Rock. The route round the cages can be a bit tricky so take your time and take care.

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